Murder warrant for Fort Worth officer says woman he killed was holding gun in her home

FORT WORTH, Texas — The murder arrest warrant for a white officer who shot and killed a black woman on Saturday says that the victim was holding a gun after she heard noises outside her window.

A witness, the woman’s 8-year-old nephew, told a police investigator that after Atatiana Jefferson heard noises outside her window and thought there might be a prowler outside, she reached into her purse, grabbed a handgun and pointed it toward the window, the warrant said.

That’s when Fort Worth police officer Aaron Dean shot Jefferson through the window and she fell to the ground, the warrant said.

Officers called for emergency medical help who pronounced Jefferson dead when they arrived, according to the warrant. Officers administered first aid but were unsuccessful, the warrant said.

Officer L. Darch said that she and Dean were in the backyard standing near a window when Dean shot Jefferson. Darch said she could only see Jefferson’s face at that time, the warrant said. According to the warrant, the officers never announced their presence.

Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price said on Monday that the gun was irrelevant to the investigation. In Texas, homeowners have a right to be armed on their own property, Price said.