POLLING: Trump Leads Democrat Rivals in Latest Poll

POLLING: Trump Leads Democrat Rivals in Latest Poll

John Zogby has released a poll that shows Trump besting his Democrat rivals Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, and he is in a tie with Elizabeth Warren. It should be noted that Zogby is no fan of President Trump, and therefore his polling should be taken seriously, unlike the Fox Polls, since James Murdoch is a huge Pete Buttigieg supporter. Fox has manipulated polling to get the results they want, even though their top-rated shows are the ones where the hosts favor President Trump.

In the poll, President Trump outpolled Biden 47 to 45 and leads Sanders 46 to 44. He is currently tied with Elizabeth Warren at 45 all. Trump also outpolls Harris 47 to 41 and Buttigieg by a margin of 49 to 38. If Beto O’Rourke would vote for Trump, that matchup would be nearly unanimous. It should also be noted that the more Adam Schiff pushes the bogus Ukraine investigation, the better the president is polling over those who are also calling for his impeachment. The hearings have been proven to be a sham since none of the witnesses have any first-hand knowledge of the events to which they are testifying.


David Adams

Article URL : https://www.davidharrisjr.com/steven/polling-trump-leads-democrat-rivals-in-latest-poll/