Jeff Sessions escorted from Northwestern U. under heavy security amid ‘cancel culture’ protest

Sessions’ speech, titled “The Real Meaning of the Trump Agenda,” was sponsored by Northwestern’s College Republicans, whose decision to invite the former Trump Cabinet member was debated on campus for weeks.

Nevertheless, an informal poll taken Monday by campus publication North by Northwestern found that 90 percent of respondents thought Sessions should be allowed to speak on campus.

But one student, identified as Zachery Novicoff, said he didn’t believe Sessions should be welcome.

“There’s a limitation to free speech,” Novicoff told the publication. “That ends at overtly racist old white dudes.”

. . . Sessions also became a lightning rod for criticism after implementing a “zero-tolerance” policy on immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border that led to widely criticized family separations. The policy was later rescinded.

Saint Puce

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