Brian Stelter Hides ABC’s Jeffrey Epstein Scandal from CNN Viewers

CNN’s so-called media reporter Brian Stelter hid ABC’s Jeffrey Epstein scandal from CNN viewers.

There’s just no question that the Project Vertitas video of Amy Robach laying out how she had nailed down the Jeffrey Epstein story all the way back in 2015, only to have ABC News “quash” it, is one of the biggest media stories of the last 20 years.

Just like NBC News covering up for Harvey Weinstein, here you have ABC News covering up for a rapist and sex-trafficker, and almost certainly doing so as a means to protect Hillary Clinton’s doomed 2016 presidential campaign. Robach says right in the video that she had the goods on Bill Clinton.

Then there is also the little matter of how compromised ABC News star George Stephanopoulos is in all of this, not only with his close and ongoing association with the Clintons, but his association with Epstein.