How The Christian Religion Looks on Newly Born Babies!


How The Christian Religion Looks on Newly Born Babies!

Are We Natural Born Sinner?

The Christian religion has for the last 2,000 years been bloody, corrupt, full of fakery, and anti-Humanitarian.  Every mammal and that includes humans on earth has some sort of genetic relationship with each other, with humans, our closest relatives are the great apes.  Yet, conservative Christians deny this fact and say that we are created in God’s image, and have a soul—yet they say other animals and primates do not. It is like saying that a donkey (Equus-Genus) is unrelated to the Zebra or horse or that the phylogenies of raptors (birds of prey) are unconnected.  Babies of all species are the continuation of their kind. 


“Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the 

time my mother conceived me.”—Psalms 51:5 NIV


 Yet, Christianity treats new-born human off-spring as being begotten by the original SIN.  This is based on the church wanting us all to live an ascetic life. If we followed their instructions humanity within Christendom would be on the brink of extinction.  At one time the church was anti-sex, in that sense, it tried to bar husbands and wives from carrying on what human-nature provided in the form of copulation. The law of celibacy did not work, as we find 1,700 years later after the Synod of Elvira c. 306 CE.  What we see today is an epidemic of child sexual abuse going on within the Christian Churches and has been since the earliest times. However, for the church hierarchy celibacy like the Ten Commandments was there to be broken. Popes, Cardinals, and Bishops have fornicated throughout history, producing off-springs and invoking nepotism to allow their progeny to follow in their footsteps.  Moreover, their hypocritical stance was and is to maintain celibacy throughout the church while they indulge themselves in the forbidden fruits of ecclesiastical life. Also, history is full of sexual abuse by male clerics of their female counterparts, the Nuns.  

The church in its history has perpetrated many wrongdoings to authenticate and embellish its religion and church.  They cannot justify the stigma or the ex-communication (curse) of SIN on a baby when their only source is the creation myth of the story of Adam and Eve, which has no authentication whatsoever.  Christianity adopted and twisted the story from Judaism! Which was taken from the 1st book of Genesis, in the Hebrew Old Testament or the Torah where God created mankind in his own image. However, Adam (the man) and Eve (woman) are not named in the Torah—that is a Christian falsification insert and adaptation into the Christian Old Testament—names which are not held in Judaism or Islam.

The terms Adam and Eve as the Bible’s first man and the first woman are as I aforesaid are Christian inserts.  Adam’s name appears first in Genesis 1 with a collective sense, as “mankind“; subsequently in Genesis 2–3 it carries the definite article ha, equivalent to English “the“, indicating that this is “the man“. In these chapters, God fashions “the man” (ha adam) from earth (adamah), breathes life into his nostrils and makes him a caretaker over creation. God next creates for the man an ezer kenegdo, a “helper corresponding to him“, from his side or rib.   The word “rib” is a pun in Sumerian, as the word “ti” means both “rib” and “life“.  She is called ishsha, “wo-man“, because, the text says, she is formed from ish, “man“.  The man receives her with joy, and the reader is told that from this moment a man will leave his parents to “cling” to a woman, the two becoming one flesh.[Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (2000), p. 436, edited by David Noel Freedman, Allen C. Myers, Grand Rapids, Michigan, US/Cambridge, UK.]


So a myth which is propagated and believed by Christian parents that their little pride and joy is by all intents and purposes—is a SINNER in the eyes of their church.  It beggars belief that in this day and age, where all are supposed to be well educated, that they believe such tripe that has no foundation whatsoever!


What do you say?




Jero Jones

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