Hong Kong protesters wave ‘Swole Trump’ posters at Thanksgiving rally

Pro-democracy protesters in central Hong Kong celebrated U.S. lawmakers and President Trump on Thursday night, thanking them for passing and enacting legislation that promises to punish officials who restrict freedoms in the territory.

Of the thousands at the Thanksgiving Rally, many draped themselves in American flags and sang “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and some lauded Trump as an international hero by waving posters depicting a strong, shirtless American leader.

The “Swole Trump” image — the president’s face superimposed on the body of Sylvester Stallone as fictional boxing champion Rocky Balboa — circulated on the pro-Trump Internet even before his Twitter account posted the picture Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving.


Article URL : https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/11/29/hong-kong-protestors-wave-swole-trump-posters-thanksgiving-rally/?outputType=amp