1 in 4 Americans think Russia’s an ally

Defense One

December 5, 2019

The agenda for this year’s Reagan National Defense Forum is fixed firmly on the future, even as Congress struggles to pass a budget for the fiscal year that began more than two months ago. Meanwhile, its organizers have released their annual national security-themed public-opinion survey.

Perhaps its most eye-popping finding: 28% of Americans surveyed said that Russia is a U.S. ally. Belief in that falsehood is up from 19% last year. Still, 71% called Russia a threat to America, and 25% called it the greatest threat. But more people — 60% of those surveyed, called China the largest threat.

Other highlights:

  • “Americans identify cyberattacks as the top near-term threat. Almost nine in ten Americans are concerned about cyberattacks on government, and nearly as many are concerned about cyberattacks on personal computers and accounts.”
  • “More Americans are concerned about Russia sponsoring cyberattacks than aiding rogue regimes, interfering in our elections, or invading its neighbors.”
  • “A majority of Americans support an overseas military presence, with 65% saying it is better for the United States to maintain bases around the world and only 28% supporting a reduced military presence overseas.”

Beacon Research Poll


Bugs Marlowe

Article URL : https://www.defenseone.com/business/2019/12/global-business-brief-december-05-2019/161697/?oref=defenseone_today_nl