Trump Is Right. Adam Schiff Has Not Paid For Damaging The Country With Years Of Lies

What price, political or otherwise, has Schiff paid for falsely claiming for years that he had evidence that Trump was a traitor who had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Schiff had hundreds of television, radio, and public appearances during the Russia collusion hoax, during which time he used his status as the ranking member on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to lie to Americans about whether the Russia collusion story was true.

Day after day, week after week, month after month, he fed information to a compliant media about how this collusion was real. When Robert Mueller ended his expansive, multi-year investigation into the question, he didn’t find a single American who had colluded with Russia, not to mention a single Trump campaign affiliate, not to mention Trump. Schiff never apologized for his lies. Here’s an example of one of his false statements, lapped up by Chuck Todd.

The insane conspiracy theory that Trump won the 2016 election, not by appealing to voters, or running against a deeply troubled favorite of the elites, or by visiting Michigan and Wisconsin, but because he was part of a decades-long plot to work with Russia to steal the election deeply damaged the country. It harmed relations with other countries, it terrified qualified individuals away from serving in agencies, it polarized the country, it fed the delusions of emotionally troubled people.


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