Closed as old news – T9R
- His hair is real – his personality is real – his intentions are real – what he believes and says is real – he is real effective in office based on his performance thus far.
- He is a brawler that fights back when attacked and has an uncanny ability to make those who he criticizes come off as PC and disconnected with mainstream American society.
- He works on vacations (structures time efficiently so that he is accomplishing his agenda at all times) – literally every day he has had a public meeting or signed legislation/addressed needs of American people
- His children turned out better and more well rounded than the people-who-attack-him-for-being-monster’s children
- He pays more taxes than a vast majority of globalist fat cats who make money off of money (instead of the service sector which lives and dies on a strong economy)
- He found a way to bypass the distrustful media by delivering his messages directly to the American people
- He has a deep respect for our military and those who serve to keep us safe in our cities which are over run by thugs – a result of big metro democrat run cities and decades of failed policies.
- He has literally 7–8 times the number of achievements in half a term than Obama had in all eight of his disastrous years.
- He has worked to solve problems of minority communities unlike the mismanaged race bating democrats who’s ideas cause pain and suffering in their communities.
- He has never had a drink in his life yet is happy and full of energy all the time (build to enjoy life and use every minute productively)
- Likes Tacos and Burgers – in better shape than a majority of the reporters half his age who criticize his cuisine in their one-sided blogs and failed papers.
John Keefe
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