40 Times Mother Nature Proved To Be Scary As Hell (WARNING: This List Might Be Too Scary For You)

Sun is shining, birds are chirping, and the living is easy. We’d like to think of nature this way. But it moves in mysterious ways and it’s called Mother Nature for a reason.

You see, upon a closer look, things are hella odd and creepy out there. Think of it as a horror movie of its own league starring sci-fi-like creatures, unusual anomalies, bizarre plants and animals, and sightings that push you to the brink of saying “I’m out.”

Bored Panda has compiled a spine-chilling fresh list for your next nightmare. Get ready for sweaty palms and don’t say I didn’t warn you. Before you are done and safely out of this whole ordeal, there’s part 1part 2, and part 3 waiting one click away. No NOPEs allowed after this point.
