Mainstream media goes all in with ‘panic porn’ over COVID-19

The MSM have pumped out story after story about hospitals — and especially intensive care units — becoming jammed with COVID-19 patients. And the reports from early on in the pandemic have returned: Hospitals will soon become overrun with critically ill patients.

But are those “facts”? Are the reports complete? Do they take into account all factors that may be contributing to both the rise in positive tests for COVID-19 and the reason for hospitalizations? And what about the rising number of positive tests for the virus? What’s causing that? Are we even dealing with “facts”?

Mr. Berenson, who has been a shining beacon in the world of shoddy and biased reporting, says no. And he does something few MSM outlets do any more: He provides facts.

On Monday, Mr. Berenson quoted messages he’d received from J.B. Neiman, a managing partner and general counsel of a Texas-based health care company that owns 13 free-standing clinics, who got in touch because he “wants people to hear his story as opposed to the mainstream media.”

Here’s what Mr. Neiman said:

“In June, we tested over 2,231 patients (data through last Thursday). Positive rate is now close to 20% (was 4-6% in May). Vast majority of the cases are mild to very mild symptoms. Average age of the people getting tested in mid-30s.


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