e New York Post, the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid that has peddled a high volume of anti-mask rhetoric during the pandemic, informed employees this month that they are required to wear a mask while at the office, according to a memo obtained by CNN Business.”Masks are required while walking the floor/not at your desk,” Sean Giancola, publisher and chief executive of the tabloid, told staff in an August 12 memo.The formal guidance attached to Giancola’s memo said employees must “mask up” and “cover [their] face when away from [their] desk or chatting with colleagues.”
The New York Post’s mask mandate is the latest example of the brazen hypocrisy in Murdoch’s media empire. Murdoch’s media organizations, such as Fox News and the Post, have disparaged public health officials and the guidance they issue about vaccines and masks. But these media organizations have quietly required their employees to follow the very same health protocols that they’ve lampooned in print and on air.