Biden’s goal is to sow economic and societal chaos into American life
Biden’s Hill of Beans:
Whether Joe Biden’s theory of governance is tragic, comedic, or some odd combination depends upon the viewer’s sense of the absurd. Yet, would anyone be shocked if odd Joe were a member of a cult? Say, the ancient worship of Greek Cyamites, also known as the “God of Beans”? At least Biden would then have an excuse for always being full of legumes and regularly belching gas towards brainwashed listeners. But to the contrary—Pythagoras, with his hatred of beans, would have loathed this administration. But let’s not dither…
Planned Chaos:
Biden himself must have inhaled deeply while listening to Marxists, who regularly recite such nostrums as, “Socialism is bound to come “with the inexorability of a law of nature.” In fact, Marxism teaches both the idea that communism is inevitable, and that it also must be ushered in through strenuous revolution. In evaluating the left’s planned economy, Ludwig von Mises in “Planned Chaos,” explains leftists don’t employ economics, but class envy in policy analysis:
“The interventionists do not approach the study of economic matters with scientific disinterestedness. Most of them are driven by an envious resentment against those whose incomes are larger than their own. This bias makes it impossible for them to see things as they really are. For them the main thing is not to improve the conditions of the masses, but to harm the entrepreneurs and capitalists—even if this policy victimizes the immense majority of the people.”
Failed Policies: A truly odd aspect of Biden’s policies is they’ve all previously been tried and failed. And so one cannot claim any sincerity in his administration’s actions. Mises writes:
“No economist ever dared to assert that interventionism could result in anything other than in disaster and chaos. The advocates of interventionism—foremost among them the Prussian Historical School and the American institutionalists — were not economists. On the contrary. In order to promote their plans they flatly denied that there is any such thing as economic law. In their opinion governments are free to achieve all they aim at without being restrained by an inexorable regularity in the sequence of economic phenomena Like the German socialist Ferdinand Lassalle, they maintain that the State is God.”
Sowing Chaos: So Biden’s goal is to sow economic and societal chaos into American life. A chief means of doing so is degrading and hobbling industry. If a revolution is disorienting, socialists want to inure Americans against rejecting this. Further, their hatred of capitalism is exposed in many ways. Now, imagine Nancy Pelosi’s joy at robbing the stock market in broad daylight with her husband Paul, without a gun, while pretending to be a woman of the people.