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Internal Democratic tensions over cultural change, equity and “wokeness” are boiling over after the party’s dismal showing in this week’s elections.
Progressives and centrists are in a pitched battle over how best to grapple with huge debates that have been roiling the nation in recent years. Those debates touch on some of the rawest topics in American life: race, gender and sexuality, as well as policing, criminal justice and education.
To the centrists, progressives are pushing and prodding the party out of the mainstream of American opinion, risking further electoral calamity. The left, they argue, is too glib, and too prone to confuse self-righteous social media chatter with the more nuanced realities of public opinion.
To the left, the centrists are cravenly abandoning the party’s core supporters and its core purpose. If the Democratic Party isn’t committed to making America fairer, they ask, what is it even there for? Many progressives also see the centrist approach as a strategic error, arguing that caution and timidity depress enthusiasm among key voting groups.
Article URL : https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/580342-the-memo-democrats-go-to-war-over-wokeness