Authorities say three teenagers driven by racial hatred were behind hoax calls that brought major police responses to the home of one of the leading Black Lives Matter activists in Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES — Authorities say three teenagers driven by racial hatred were behind hoax calls that brought major police responses to the home of a leading Black Lives Matter activist in Los Angeles.
The teenagers, aged 13 to 16, connected over the Discord chat platform and are suspects in more than 30 bomb threats and so-called “swatting” incidents across the country, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. Swatting refers to a phony emergency call made to attract police to a particular address without cause.
Los Angeles police said Friday that the teens were behind hoaxes dating back to July 2020 that targeted “other online persons, video gamers, activists, schools, airports, houses of worship, entertainment venues and memorial parks.”
Police will present a case to Los Angeles County prosecutors for criminal conspiracy and creating a false emergency charges and plan to request a hate crime enhancement in connection with the incidents at Abdullah’s home.
“Some of the language used in the swatting incidents and a review of the subjects’ online activities reflect a racial motivation theme to a number of these swatting attacks,” the LAPD said in a news release.
Two of the teenagers live in Ohio and New York, where authorities served search warrants on Tuesday. The third teenager is a U.S. citizen who is currently living in Cyprus.