Donald Trump’s ‘broken brain’ and ego are at the source of latest crowd size rant: Acosta and Avlon

Former President Donald Trump spent the anniversary of the Jan. 6 attack bragging about the size of the crowd of the people that were there that day for him. Trump had initially planned to have a press event at Mar-a-Lago during the prayer ceremony on Capitol Hill. He ultimately canceled it after some suspicion that no network was going to air it live.

Speaking to CNN’s Jim Acosta on Sunday, John Avlon and Margaret Hoover addressed the former president’s obsession with the size of things, like his crowds. 

“John, I’ve said this before. I think his brain is broke[n],” said Acosta. “There’s no other description for when he says these things. He has this Pavlovian way of — he has to talk about crowd sizes in the most inappropriate situations. I don’t understand why he would even — it’s just sick.”