56% of Americans Can’t Name a Single Thing Joe Biden Has Done That They Like

R/I ~ AA


To read something ultra-critical of President Biden from CNN is a real signal that this fading cable news outlet understands how much trouble he—and by extension vulnerable Democrats—are nine months out from the mid-term elections.

Here’s Jennifer Agiesta and Ariel Edwards-Levy opening sentence:

Nearly 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his presidency, with most of that group saying there’s literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of.

When asked to name a single thing Biden had done they approved of, 56% of those who disapproved of Biden’s overall performance  said things such as “I’m hard pressed to think of a single thing he has done that benefits the country.”

It’s not just the blunt numbers, bad as they are, that jump out at you.

“Biden also continues to have more strong detractors than he does fervent supporters: 41% of Americans disapproved strongly of his performance as President versus 15% who strongly approved,”  Agiesta and  Edwards-Levywrote. “Some of the shift in Biden’s numbers comes from a change in Americans’ partisan tilt: Republicans and Democrats were about at parity in the new poll, with fewer identifying as Democrats than in other recent CNN polling”


Article URL : https://www.lifenews.com/2022/02/10/56-of-americans-cant-name-a-single-thing-joe-biden-has-done-that-they-like/