“ Im frustrated by the amount of antisemitism on the left”

Approved ~ Primus Pilus

“idk how much i can say because im tired and angry. I am a far far leftist, all my friends are leftist, i believe that Capitalism is a cancer on the back of democracy, but i find it so ridiculous how leftists and tankies can be so strongly antisemitic and still claim that they are antifascist, hearing how people talk about Isreal on leftist subs is like hearing neonazis talk about jews in america, and most people dont even know basic facts about the Israel-Palestine crisis but still feel the need to talk like its nazi germany, and how they treat jews is fucking horrible. like we are a distinct ethnic group that has been demonized throughout history and still now to this day leftist call ashkenazi jews white, even saying that they are more white than white goys. it is genuinely so disturbing and sad.”


Question for discussion: Why is it leftists are in such denial about anti-semitism on the left?