Black and Brown Americans Leaving Democratic Party in Droves…Will It Last?

Democrats have finally fouled things up so badly that even a critical part of their voting base is leaving the building. A recent poll reveals that support for the party among minority voters has taken a significant dive over the past year, and if this trend continues, it could have ramifications even beyond the upcoming midterm elections.

The Wall Street Journal released the results of a poll on Friday analyzing American attitudes towards President Joe Biden’s performance in office, among other issues. But one result that will almost assuredly be ignored by the activist media is the reality that Democrats are faring horribly with minority voters, when compared to their typical performance.

From the Journal:

The survey also found Republicans making gains among minority groups. By 9 percentage points, Hispanic voters in the new poll said they would back a Republican candidate for Congress over a Democrat. The two parties had been tied among Hispanic voters in the Journal’s survey in November.

Democratic margins also eroded among Black voters, who favored a Democrat for Congress by 35 percentage points in the new survey, down from 56 points in November. Support for a Republican candidate rose to 27% among Black voters, up from 12% in November.

The Republicans have greatly benefited from the fact that Democrats seem intent on fouling everything up. Turns out refusing to follow through on their promises wasn’t the best strategy for the left. Indeed, black voters, in particular, have been increasingly dissatisfied with President Biden, who made sweeping promises to repay the community for their support, but so far has only succeeded in replacing menthol cigarettes with crack pipes.

Julian Acciard, a black conservative candidate running for Congress in New Hampshire, told RedState that the results of the poll indicate that there is an opportunity for the Republican Party to win over more minority voters. “The GOP has an opportunity to win the next generation and 30 years of dominance, if they lean into our party legacy. The original pro-black, pro-woman, pro-Asian, pro-Hispanic, and pro-liberty party is back on the rise,” he said.

Acciard continued, stressing the need for Republicans to step up their efforts to attract nonwhite voters:

Like it or not, identity politics is reality, and it’s played just as often by the GOP as it is by the DNC. In order to break the hold on these voters, the national party needs to think creatively and address the issues minorities see with solutions based on conservative principles of governance.

The candidate suggested that the GOP stop relying on “talking points,” and instead, “take every opportunity on air and from the pulpit to pitch actual policy.”