These Southern Slang Words Now ‘Hate Speech’ According To Woke Left

These Southern Slang Words Now ‘Hate Speech’ According To Woke Left

R&I – KC

I stumbled upon a weird thread where the topic was triggering words that should be deemed ‘hate speech. While the conversation was a little old, the topic still gets traffic so what are they debating? Common southern slang words like; “Y’all’ and “howdy”. The group of libs who apparently thought they were in a safe space babbled on about how these words, and more, should be banned.

One user claimed the words gives them ‘panic attacks’… You just can’t make this mess up.

Neville Croft, a writer with NPC wrote, “[A] new hate word is increasingly being used by the alt-right. The word ‘y’all’ is the most recent addition to their ammunition of hate and has already sent many unsuspecting persyns [persons] of unidentified gender identities into horrific seizures and panic attacks.”

He added: “Y’all’ is a southern hate word that evokes all sorts of grueling, racist connotations. Just thinking about it makes me feel nauseous. Journalists, in particular, have faced an onslaught of harassment by bigots using this word. I’ve spoken to several journalists and a JIT (Journalist In Training) from the magnificent Journalist Excellence Worldwide discord server to hear their thoughts on the matter.”

Then he went on to share the following examples of how the word “y’all” affects other in a very strange feed from Discord:

“It reminded me of the South’s slavery loving ways and gave me a severe panic attack over the suffering of black persyns.”

  • Anonymous Journalist (Bab/Ble)

“It reminded of the time a bigoted male tried to rape me by saying ‘do y’all want some sex?’ I never recovered.”

  • Anonymous Journalist In Training (She/Her)

“I hear it almost everyday and everytime I hear it, I start to involuntarily convulse and need to spend at least 20 minutes in a safe space.”

  • Anonymous Journalist (Sme/Smir)

“I was in a voice chat with some friends and a newcomer joined and greeted us with ‘hey y’ll’. I was so disgusted and tried to teach them about the dangers of that word and its hidden meaning but they refused to learn. They actually referred to me as a ‘womxn’ when I clearly identify as a mxle.”

  • Associate of Journalism (Potential bad actor)