Left-wing extremists planning to storm D.C. to stop Roe v. Wade from being overturned

Once again, we have to remind our readers that leftists in America, not right-leaning conservatives, are the first ones to resort to violence when they don’t get their way.


Talk about a true insurrection. The outlet reports:

#ShutDownDC plans to block streets near the Court in D.C. as part of a plot to stop justices and their staff from having access to their chambers. Organizers recognize that their planned actions fall into illegality, and even acknowledged the probability of violent confrontations with police.

The Department of Homeland Security circulated a memo in May that put the Supreme Court on alert of threats. Law enforcement is currently looking at threats from pro-abortion individuals to justices and staff at the Court building.

“One of our goals would be to expand the current political crisis by shutting down the Supreme Court,” one of the plan’s organizers noted in a briefing, according to the Washington Free Beacon. The outlet also reported that “the group planned the blockade for Monday, June 13, a day when the Court will likely hand down opinions.”