Mainstream media has largely defended Biden. While we’ve seen the issues with Biden since before he came into office, suddenly, it seems the rest of the media are acknowledging the issues on a general scale. The problem is that reality has caught up with them, and Americans aren’t having it anymore — they see the truth.
We saw his team even claim that he came up with the “ultra-MAGA” expression that he hoped to attack Republicans with. Except then it was revealed that he had operatives including Anita Dunn working on it for six months. On top of it, it was just a truly dumb take to accentuate the branding of your opponents. Even the liberal Fox co-host Geraldo Rivera said, “Biden has such difficulty communicating that even his nicknames, his smears, are ineffective.”
This on top of reports of division in the White House with multiple staff heading for the exits and Biden himself melting down over the polls that show his approval numbers are lower than those of President Donald Trump, whose bad numbers were largely a part of media attacks as opposed to Biden’s which are well earned and just keep getting worse.
They tried to blame it on the “messaging.”
“Faced with a worsening political predicament, President Joe Biden is pressing aides for a more compelling message and a sharper strategy while bristling at how they’ve tried to stifle the plain-speaking persona that has long been one of his most potent assets,” NBC News wrote. “Biden is rattled by his sinking approval ratings and is looking to regain voters’ confidence that he can provide the sure-handed leadership he promised during the campaign, people close to the president say.”