Gabbard: Federal Abuses Of Power Aren’t Even Hidden Anymore, This Is Much Bigger Than Donald Trump

TULSI GABBARD: There is something that every American should be extremely concerned about, because this raid is just the latest serious escalation of this disturbing trend that we have seen of blatant abuse of power by those in power, to not only protect their friends but to target their political opponents, or frankly anyone who dares to dissent or challenge or disagree or even question what this administration is doing.

And there are a number of examples that we can point to not only abuse of power within the Department of Justice, within the FBI, or law enforcement agencies, but also the Department of Homeland Security and the IRS. You pointed to a few examples already. You know, look to the FBI investigation of the — of Trump for the Russia hoax that didn’t turn out to be anything. You look at the IRS and Lois Lerner directly targeting conservative organizations under the Obama administration. You look at this administration’s Department of Homeland Security’s creation of a “ministry of truth” to go after us. Every day Americans across the country to tell us hey, here is what we say the truth is and is not and what you are allowed to say and what you are not allowed to say.

It’s hard to imagine given how blatant all of this is that this is happening in the United States of America. And that is what is so deeply concerning is that we should not, as Americans, have to be thinking, “hey, the IRS, the Biden administration just passed a bill with more big spending, giving the IRS $80 billion to go after entrepreneurs, everyday Americans who are working hard and, hey, maybe I should think about what I’m posting on Facebook and if I criticize the administration, does that make me a target for an audit by this is that will now have thousands more irs agents to go after everyday Americans?”

These kinds of things should not be running through our minds in a democracy. These things are what happens in banana republics where dictators have federal agencies, including law enforcement to act as their own personal goon squads, and that’s what I’m thinking of as I see this escalating very dangerous trend and abuse of power by this administration.




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