A Motto to Suit the People! In America We Trust or In the People we Trust.


A Motto to Suit the People!

In America We Trust  or In the People we Trust.

A motto, such as In the People we Trust, would be a more apt than In God We Trust!  Not all the people in America are Christian, there are Jews, Islamists, Hindus, and Buddhist, et al. One must not forget that it was the people who made America great in the first place.  The pioneers (The frontiersmen, the woods men, the tracker/trappers, and the explorers). The Christian religionist did nothing for America, unless one can say, it brought its European bloody religious past to tarnish the virgin New World. 

 It took no time for the various Christian factions to go head-to-head, once they reached the Americas, bringing their intolerance from the old world.  A new start for old enemies, and to hell with religious freedom.  The Protestants in the Noth East, with the Puritans showing their intolerance against other Christians, such as the Anabaptist, Quakers, and bringing their diseases to the Native people.  The earlier Catholic in the South West, and Mexico, spreading their pagan beliefs, and disease to the Native Americans.  All a reminder of Europe’s damned religious past a millennium earlier. (With Catholic Christianity winning the laurels in 380 CE to become the Roman state religion, with its intolerance banning and outlawing other Christian sects and Pagan religions. In Rome in 366 CE, the loyal presbyter Ursinus, the chosen successor to the See of Rome to replace the recently departed, Pope Liberius (352-66). Ursinus and his followers were attacked by the deacon Damasus, the follower of the antipope, Felix II (355-65). In a three-day massacre that ensued, 137 followers of Ursinus being slaughter by thugs hired by Damasus. Not only did Damasus become bishop of Rome (366-84), he also became a saint, with a feast day on the 11th of December.  Ursinus was exiles, who said crime does not pay! [JND Kelly, Oxford Dictionary of Popes, pp. 32-33] The Pagan scholar Ammianus Marcellinus among others was a witness to this Christian slaughter of Christians.)

“No wild beasts are such enemies to mankind as are most of the Christians in their deadly hatred of one another.”—Ammianus Marcellinus (c. 330-c. 395 CE) Roman antiquities, bk. XXII, Ch. 5

This holier-than-thou Motto (In God We Trust) selected by these intolerant sky-godders, intended not for the benefit of all Americans, but for the prejudiced Conservative Christians, and the so-called Christian Nationalist lawmakers.  Holding the same narrow-mindedness as their old brethren held in the bloody chaos that took the people of Alexandria to the brink of annihilation at the end of the 4th-century CE.  

In God We Trust goes against everything American, especially when you see the Founding-Father Bill of Rights, and declarations. From its home and foreign policies. Such as the separation of Church and State; Article 11 of the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli, which declares that “the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”

Christianity’s savage and bloody past cannot be surpassed by any other religion.  Savage infighting of the 3rd and 4th-centuries, and its later Church hierarchy sponsored Auto-da-fé, Inquisitions, and their Holy Wars, with the death of tens of millions of innocent lives taken in the name of their God.  Not forgetting the barbarity of the early Protestantism and its war with Catholicism, and that they take their share of the barbaric Witch Hunts (1520-1750) that migrated with religion into the New World.

“The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries. [Letter objecting to the use of government land for churches, 1803]”― James Madison 

Yet, Christian institutions have since 1776 to present, have treasonable eroded the statute Rights given to the people not of one faith over another.  But, to all the people, irrespective of their religion.  The Christian religionist will try, and deceive the people of their Rights.  By maliciously deceiving and altering history to suit their fake religion, whose authenticity was built on forgery.  Christians accuse a section of the community for Grooming children, yet, history tells a different story of Christian clerics grooming and sexual abuse of children, going back more than 1,700 years.  Today, clerical sexual abuse of children is rampant wherever there is a Christian church. 

“This separation was absolute in our original Republic. But the sky-godders do not give up easily. In the 1950s, they actually got the phrase In God We Trust onto the currency, in direct violation of the First Amendment.” ― Gore Vidal, The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Throughout history, there have been men who have been referred to as the Son of God.  Minos king of Crete, Orion, Hercules, Perseus, and Helen of Troy are just a few demigods and Goddesses, whom Zeus fathered.  Others historical Son’s of God have been Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE)

Apollonius of Tyana (3 CE-100 CE).  Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE), Octavian, better known as Augustus (ruled from 24 BCE-14 CE).  From 40 BCE, before he became Emperor in 24 BCE, he was being called the Son of God.  Historians are aware from 100 CE that a peasant earlier in the 1st-century hired himself as a servant in Egypt owing to his poverty.  While in Egypt, he learned the art of Magic, back home he was sentenced to be stoned to death for enticing Israel.  His magic raised the dead, multiplied loaves and fishes to feed five thousand.  But his magic was not strong enough to save him from being stones and hung on a tree.  This was probably before the anonymous scribe claiming to be John wrote the Gospel of John c. 100 CE, claiming him the Son of God.

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R&I – FS


Jero Jones

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