Jesus was not a Jew!


Jesus was not a Jew!

That headline “Jesus is not a Jew” would put the fear of God into Christians, for it would expose Christianity as a fraud, and dismissed its doctrines as forgeries. The central tenet of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah (Christ). Christians believe that Jesus, as the Messiah, was anointed by God as saviour of humanity and hold that Jesus’ coming was the fulfilment of messianic prophecies of the Old Testament.  It is interesting that the Jews would deny every word of that.

The Bible would require a thorough rewrite.   

Extinguished from the Bible:

Son of God, only-begotten Son!  Well, the Greek reference in the oldest biblical manuscripts containing John 1:18, do not read μονογενὴς υἱός/only-begotten Son, but reads μονογενὴς θεός/only-begotten God.  Which according to the scholarship is the more ancient reading.  


Mary’s conception.  A sexual abused act against a child, probably no more than 12-1/2 years of age. By the unlawful sexual act of the Holy Ghost/Spirit.  Mary had no knowledge of having any sexual intercourse, by saying, “How can this be? I’m a virgin.” Luke 1:34


Jesus’ Messiahship.  Jesus himself states that (king) David is the Messiah/Christ.  And as Jesus taught in the temple, he said: How can the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David? David himself, in the Holy Spirit, declared,

“The Lord said to my Lord,

Sit at my right hand,

until I put your enemies under your feet.

David himself calls him Lord. So, how is he his son?” And the great throng heard him gladly.  Mark 12:15-37 ESV.

The Samaritan and the Jewish Pentateuch state the coming messiah will be a ruler/king.  Meaning, one born who has dominion over Israel.  Not a son of a peasant carpenter. Number’s 24:17-19 NIV.  Also see Jeremiah 48:45.


The claim to the House of David.  John seems to imply that Jesus was neither born in Bethlehem nor of the Davidic bloodline. John 7:40-44.

In this day of technology, most would be hard-pressed even to go back two or more centuries, never mind a thousand years.  Not forgetting that Joseph the carpenter according to biblical text would have been a peasant.  According to the scholarship, there were only two forms of classes of people in the day that Jesus supposedly lived.  Nobility (which included rich merchants), and peasantry. 


Matthew and Luke’s genealogies, written to make Jesus a contender for the Messiahship.  Once and for all, the genealogy of Jesus will be relegated to the history dust bin.  Many of the fundamentalist/evangelical commentators on Disqus, have in the past, and I am sure in the future, will cite the Book of Hebrews as a rebuttal against what they term as unbeliever.  However, I will, and I am going to cite Hebrews, as it goes against Christian beliefs: (Jesus) Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever. Hebrews 7:3, NIV.  The verse tells us Jesus has no parents, no genealogy.  Yet, the same Christian commentators will disavow this verse because it does not suit then in this context.  Meaning that Jesus was not of the right lineage according to the law.  What is more Hebrews contradicts itself, a few verses later says:  For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah. Hebrews 7:14.  Well, which is it?  Is he the son of God, or is he the son of Joseph or the son of Pantera?  In all three instances, Jesus has no claim of a kingship pedigree.


I wrote this discussion as what if!  But, truthfully, it is probably more historically correct about a man from the northerly reaches of Galilee of the Nations. [Isaiah 8:23 NABRE] also Galilee of the Gentiles  [Matthew 4:15-16 NABRE] Galilee of the Nations means the Pagan people who replaced the Israelites. See 2 Kings 17:24 NIV.  Galilee of the Gentiles means Samaritans.  Jesus, most certainly, was not a Jew or of Jewish descent.  There are several quotes in the New Testament of “feared the Jews?”  

Fear of the Jews is the original reading, although there are two or more translations that say Afraid of the Jew, for the likes of John 20:19.  Yet, modern biblical translations are creeping in with other words, by adding (Jewish instead of Jews) leaders/authorities/elders/or just adding Judeans/.  This is not an error, it is purposely changed because more and more scholarship and students are arguing on the wording/phrasing of Fear of the Jews.  No Jew would say that!  No Welshman would say they fear the Welsh, or German say they fear the Germans, or English person would say that he or she feared the English.  

However, on Jesus, the real clincher comes from the Gospel of John, whose anonymous author wrote: The Jews answered him, “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?” John 8:48.  Jesus in the next verse never denied that he was a Samaritan, only that he was not possessed by a demon.  One has to remember in John that it was the Jews that posed the question to Jesus.   

I will let Tertullian, have the last word.  

Tertullian, In a polemic to the Jews: De Spectaculis, ch. 30. ‘This is your carpenter’s son, your harlot’s son; your Sabbath-breaker, your Samaritan, your demon-possessed! This is whom ye bought from Judas; He who was struck with reed and fists, dishonoured with spittle, and given a draught of gall and vinegar! This whom His disciples have stolen away secretly, that it may be said He Has risen, or the gardener abstracted that his lettuces might not be damaged by the crowds of visitors.’[G.R.S. Mead (1968), Did Jesus Live 100 BC? p. 281, University Books inc., New York]

Τι εστίν αλήθεια/Beth yw y Gwir/What is the truth? What do you say?


R&I – FS

Jero Jones

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