Lindsey Graham Calls For Attack On Iranian Oil Refineries

War hawk Lindsey Graham appeared on Fox News and advocated launching an attack against Iran after the Hamas attack in Israel.

Some things never change.

There are only two genders and Lindsey Graham wants America involved in a war.

“For every Israeli or American hostage executed by Hamas, we should take down an Iranian oil refinery. The only way you’re going to keep this war from escalating is to hold Iran accountable. How much more death and destruction do we have to take from the Iranian regime? I am confident this was planned and funded by the Iranians. Hamas is a bunch of animals who deserve to be treated like animals,” Graham said.

“So if I was Israel, I would go in on the ground. There is no truce to be had here. I would dismantle Hamas. This is the best opportunity Israel has to destroy Hamas. Take it to the Iranians,” he continued.

“It is now time to take the war to the Ayatollah’s backyard,” he added.



Approved ~ MJM