Did Pagans help falsely attributed works, and others with dubious authority, to get into biblical text?

Did Pagans help falsely attributed works, and others with dubious authority, to get into biblical text?

Christian authors will do anything to embellish Jesus, his life, and his family at any cost by using pseudepigrapha, and apocrypha, as well as known forged works to get their point across.   

Pseudepigrapha are spurious writings, especially writings falsely attributed to biblical characters such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, John, et al.  Apocrypha are biblical or related writings not forming part of the accepted canon of scripture. While some might be of doubtful authorship or authenticity, in Christianity, the word apocrypha was first applied to writings which were to be read privately rather than in the public context of church services.

On Disqus you will find the more evangelical Christians using forgeries, such books as Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1,2 Timothy, Titus, Hebrews, (numeral) Peter, and (numeral) John, James, and Jude, et al.  Yet, like the canonical gospels, we don’t know the authors, and the dozens of books we now class as pseudepigraphal.  It must be noted that in Acts 4:13 it plainly states that Peter, and John were illiterate, Yet, the contradictory NT has them writing scholarly Greek, whilst they would be hard-pressed to print their initials in Aramaic.  The English translations of the NT are glossed, reading the Greek version of the NT shows the Peter and John were seen as illiterate idiots.  The term idiot has been in the English vocabulary since at least the 14th-century, In old English law, one who has been without reasoning or understanding from birth, as distinguished from a lunatic, who became that way. The etymology of idiot early 14c,… “Person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning;”… Yet, English speaking biblical translators who render Greek to English, gloss this word to mean uneducated common man, etc.  You will find that Christianity has a penchant for changing the meaning of words, especially if they have anything to do with their deity or doctrine.  Words such as Stauros, which from the days of Homer to the supposed time of Jesus, meant a stake or up-right pale, used as an implement of death.  Which was favoured later by the Catholic Church, who eagerly used it to rid itself of heretics.  Stauros is used in the Greek scriptures, but changed in the Latin text to mean a cross.  Yet, the Catholic Encyclopaedia (1913) states that the cross was not adopted until the mid-6th-century. The pre-eminent authority on the implement used to so-call crucify the man Jesus, the scholar Parsons, wrote:… Moreover, there is not, even in the Greek text of the Gospels, a single intimation in the Bible to the effect that the instrument actually used in the case of Jesus was a cross-shaped. John Denham Parsons, The Non-Christian Cross, p. 16, published by BiblioBazaar, LLC. 

The Mennonite scholar David Ewart has mentioned that Nestle’s Greek New Testament lists some 132 New Testament passages that appear to be verbal allusions to paracanonical (apocryphal) books.  With Pagan authors quoted or alluded to in the New Testament to some apocryphal books, yet, Christians are happy to use them as a rebuttal to get their point across.

https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/The_Old_Testament_Pseudepigrapha_and_the/eRQ9AAAAIAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PA78&printsec=frontcover, also see


Which beggars belief that Pagans could have had a hand in the writings of such biblical books, that these evangelicals are so fond of using against their critics.  What do you say?

G.P. (Mrs) for Jero Jones

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Jero Jones

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