Divine plan or just winging it?

What is it that God wants?

First, it seems he wants us to live an idyllic life of ignorance in the Garden.  We disobeyed.  Instead of instructing us on what we did wrong, so we could continue with what God wanted, we were tossed out and cursed.

Then, continued interference, meddling, and murder, in order to get us to do…..something.  After drowning the planet, messing with our languages, nuking cities, killing firstborn, and other such fun, God tries another path.

Instead of thundering and smiting, he pretends to be a human.  Shows up in some backwater, rather than in a major city (Rome) where his message will be heard by many.  Wander around for a few years doing magic tricks, and then pretending to die.   Leaving whatever message he was trying to convey to word of mouth via the ancient inhabitants of Green Acres.

Old style:  Worship me and obey me or suffer the wrath of Me.

New Style:  You should worship God, but only through me.  Consequences to be had after you die.

Do these actions sound like something well planned or just making it up as he goes along?

J.P. Bunny

Article URL : https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/discuss/