‘I’m gonna kill all the Jews’: Pakistani immigrant seen on video trying to run down students Brooklyn yeshiva

On Wednesday, a Pakistani immigrant was caught on video attempting to run down Orthodox Jewish students and a rabbi outside a Brooklyn Yeshiva and, according to witnesses, yelled “I’m gonna kill all the Jews.”

Video from the Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol showed, at approximately 11:25 am, the driver revving the engine of his 2011 white Crown Victoria, then mounting the curb and aiming his car toward Jews outside the Mesivta Nachlas Yakov School.

“I’m gonna kill all the Jews,” the driver yelled, according to witnesses. He then drove around the block and back toward the school, again targeting two students and a rabbi outside the school.

The driver fled, but was quickly found at a nearby Dunkin’ Donuts by members of a Jewish safety patrol called the Shomrim. They called the NYPD, who arrested the suspect and transferred him to a Coney Island Hospital.

According to police, the alleged driver was Asghar Ali, 58, a Pakistani immigrant cab driver with a history of mental illness. NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is now investigating the case. He is originally from Pakistan and has been living in the US for more than twenty years and is considered an “emotionally disturbed” person, according to police. He also has four prior arrests, and though he claims to be a cab driver, he does not have a valid taxi license.

Ali is facing over a dozen charges, including attempted murder, attempted assault, and hate crimes charges.


Approved ~ MJM