The forged prophesy

In many contra-arguments, the “Christians” argue that all Biblical prophesies on the coming of Messiah, were fulfilled and their “Yehsuah” (aka Jesus) is their expected Messiah. However, if we also need to believe what the “other Jewish side” has to say, their Messiah had to fulfil certain presuppositions. Besides, the myth is Jewish and not Christian after all! In some of the books I went through, we read the following.


Justin Martyr lived approximately 100 AD. He wrote a book titled The Dialogue with Trypho the Jew. This book is a parody of a discussion between Justin Martyr and Trypho – a Jewish rabbi. This “dialogue” begins with Justin telling the rabbi that he believes that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah. The following excerpt contains this rabbi’s response.

It reads: “When I (Justin) had said this, the students who were with the rabbi laughed; but he smiling, says, ‘I approve of your other remarks, and admire the eagerness with which you study divine things; but it were better for you abide in the philosophy of Plato rather than be deceived by false words, and follow the opinions of people of no reputation, for when you have forsaken God, and reposed confidence in man, what safety still awaits you?  “Now, here’s the important part:” But Christ, if he has indeed been born, and exists anywhere,  has no power until Elijah comes to anoint him, and make him manifest to all. And you, having accepted a groundless report, invent a Christ for yourselves, and for his sake are inconsiderately perishing.”

This prophecy was one of the primary reasons why the Jewish people rejected Jesus’ claims to be the Messiah. No one had seen Elijah return from heaven yet… so how could Jesus possibly have been the Messiah? Doesn’t the OT affirm that ONLY Yahweh is the only Messiah and whoever claims of being such as has to be put to death? Hosea 13:4 “4 Yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me”.

Additionally, another Jewish presupposition was the following according to the OT’s verses in Zechariah 14:4 & 9 that say….

Zechariah 14:4 New International Version:

4 On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south.

Zechariah 14:9 New International Version

9 The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name.

Since Christians consider Jesus as their messiah, why the mount of Olives did not split in two, neither he became the king of the world, as the Jews had prophesized? Also, if Jesus had the ability to prophesize, he blatantly failed in prophesizing the genocides, unspeakable tortures, crimes and destruction that his disciples would bring to the humanity. Did Jesus become king of the whole world? Only the 20% of the earth’s population converted to Christianity and this only “on the point of the sword”. As for how many still believe in him, it is a big question mark! If he could really prophesize the future events, he would have committed hara-kiri. At least he would have spared the Jews from the Christian pogroms, exiles and holocausts.

 In another book, that of Godfey Higgin’s Anacalypsis p 171, we further read, that ….


The book of Isaiah has given much trouble, as already mentioned, to our divines. They have wanted it for a prophecy of Christ, while it literally expresses that it alludes to Cyrus, and that it was for a sign to the prophet’s contemporaries: in consequence, as I have just stated, they have been obliged to have recourse to a double sense.

 In the magnum opus of the Jewish literature, we further read, that


(1 Targum Yerushalmi Exod. 12. 42 and 2 Targum Yerushalmi Exod. 15. 18) “Legends of the Jews”, by Louis Ginzberg)

And it is one of the four nights that God has inscribed in the Book of Memorial. The first of the four is that in which God appeared to create the world; all was waste and void, and darkness brooded over the abyss, until the Lord came and spread light round about by His word. The second night is that in which God appeared unto Abraham at the covenant of the pieces. In the third night He appeared in Egypt, slaying the first-born of the Egyptians with His right hand, and protecting the first-born of the Israelites with His left. The fourth night recorded will be that in which the end of the redemption will be accomplished, when the iron yoke of the wicked kingdom will be broken, and the evil-doers will be destroyed. (Mekilta Bo 14,16b; Tertullian, De Baptismo, 19). Then, will Moses come from the desert, and the Messiah from Rome, each at the head of his flock, and the word of God will mediate between them, causing both to walk with one accord in the same direction. Israel’s redemption in future days will happen on the fifteenth of Nisan, the night of Israel’s redemption from Egypt, for thus did Moses say, “In this night God protected Israel against the Angels of Destruction, and in this night, He will also redeem the generations of the future.”

And indeed, the real name of the Messiah Christ is Titus Flavius, since the only person in history who fulfilled all the predictions made by Yahshua concerning the Son of Man and fulfilled them exactly within the given time frame, was the emperor Titus Flavius. Titus destroyed the cities of Galilee, built a wall around Jerusalem, and destroyed the Temple “without leaving stone upon stone”, as prophesized by Yahweh himself, all the other prophets are impostors. (From the Book “Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus”, by Joseph Atwill

What do you say on the Christian Messiah?


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