Archbishop: Kamala Harris Is “an Infernal Monster Who Obeys Satan”

In an open letter, the fiery archbishop, who was recently excommunicated for his criticism of the Pope, praises Donald Trump for seeking “the common good and the protection of the fundamental freedoms of citizens,” and excoriate his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, whom he calls an “infernal monster who obeys Satan.”

“On the other side we have a candidate and a party that promotes everything that directly opposes the Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church.

“In Kamala Harris’ America, Catholics—but also Protestants—are considered fundamentalists to be marginalized and eliminated, and their children are considered the property of the State, which arrogates to itself the right to lead them astray from an early age in both body and soul.”

Viganò rails at length against the assault of Americans by the left and the Biden-Harris regime: the destruction of America’s cities with crime and drugs; the indoctrination of children from kindergarten onwards; the prosecution of ordinary Americans for new “ideological crimes”; iniquities of Big Pharma and medical tyranny; surveillance and censorship; the climate-change agenda and more.

R&I – TP


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