The Biggest Losers On Election Night Were The Obamas

About a week before the final day of the election, The Wall Street Journal published an editorial titled, “A Harris Victory Means the Fourth Term of Obama.” Although Kamala Harris failed her bid for the U.S. presidency spectacularly on Tuesday, the biggest losers of the 2024 election were the Obamas.

No one has had more influence on the Democrat Party in the last decade than the Obamas. The Democrat Party used to be a place working-class Americans called home. It was sympathetic to kitchen-table issues such as how soaring crime and food and gas prices affected ordinary Americans’ quality of life.

But under President Obama’s leadership, the Democrat Party has been transformed into one dominated by what I refer to as “liberal coastal elites.” These are individuals who reside in affluent coastal areas, often with leftist political views, and have embraced most radical left-wing social and economic policies.

The elites openly despise nearly half of the country that disagrees with them. They have insisted on pushing radical policies from open borders to a Green New Deal to make themselves feel morally superior while ignoring the plight of ordinary Americans who have to endure the high cost of living and soaring crime as a result. Democrat elites have also been eager to appease America’s foreign adversaries, such as Iran, out of contempt for America’s “imperial power.”

After getting Biden out of the way, the Obamas, with their unparalleled influence, identified Harris as the torchbearer of their leftist legacy. The Wall Street Journal aptly noted that Harris was “running for what essentially would be Barack Obama’s fourth progressive term.” The Obamas, in a display of their kingmaker status within the Democrat Party, resoundingly endorsed Harris at the Democratic National Convention.

Obama couldn’t hide his contempt when it appeared that Harris was losing support among male voters. He scolded a group of black male voters during a campaign stop in Pennsylvania, a key battleground state. Obama told them it was “not acceptable” not to vote in the election and accused them of not “feeling the idea of having a woman as president” while ignoring all the policy failures under the Biden-Harris administration, from high inflations to rising crime rates.

A few days later, it was Michele Obama’s turn to admonish male voters, warning that their voting choices could put women’s lives in danger. She claimed without evidence that, if elected, Trump would ban abortion nationwide (Trump never endorsed a national abortion ban). She chastised the male voters by painting a very dark picture:

If the Obamas thought they could condemn and insult American men into submission, they had a rude awakening on Election Day. As The Wall Street Journal reported, exit polls show that “Trump won 18- to 29-year-old men by 13 percentage points, securing 55% of that group compared with 42% for Kamala Harris.” Trump also won 15 percent of black and 41 percent of Hispanic votes, a jump from the 8 percent of black and 35 percent of Hispanic votes he took in 2020.

To add insult to injury, Trump also beat Harris in Pennsylvania. The Obamas’ admonishment of male voters backfired, as more Americans are sick and tired of the couple’s constant dressing down and showing little tolerance for disagreement. In some ways, voters chose Trump as a rejection of the Obamas’ brand of leftism.

If not for the Obamas, Harris would never have become the Democrat Party’s presidential nominee. The biggest loser on Tuesday wasn’t Harris but the Obamas.


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