Religious Visitation Claims Are No Better Than Alien Visitation Claims.

People claim they were visited by aliens.  These people are usually people out in the middle of the forest.  Camping, fishing, whatever. Sometimes drunk.  Never a professor, scientist, aerospace engineer, or such.  And of course, no photographs or evidence.

Visitations by God’s mother, Jesus, or some miracle occurring are usually witnessed by the uneducated and poor.  Out in the fields, with no one around, and of course, no evidence.  The Fatima miracle had Mary visit three illiterate children.

Can you see any difference between alien visitations and religious ones?  The aliens never visit scientific establishments, and the heavenly occupants never visit the Vatican.

Why should anyone believe the religious claims over the alien ones?  Or, do you consider them in the same category?

J.P. Bunny

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