Why do we keep on killing each-another?

In all religions, the gods that the humans have created “according to their image and way of life (Aristotle) urge for peace and conditional love, even menacing with eternal tortures the after-death lives of the “wicked”.

Nevertheless, still humans kill one another and use all their efforts to invent new destructive weapons to be used upon their “foes”. And their gods never interfere in such conflicts, on the contrary, some of them even urge and help their disciples to commit atrocious crimes and genocides like Yahweh as we read in the Old Testament which actually is transformed into a war log-book of horror.

In the Thoth Hermetic theology, “The Logos” was the creative power, the cause of life on earth and in the universe, a word that was appropriated and distorted by the Christians who used it for their supposed “messiah” who not only blatantly failed in bringing the “peace” on earth, but who was also responsible for hecatombs of victims and destruction with his teaching as we read in Luke 19:27

“But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me” and not only.

In the Thoth Hermetic literature, the “Logos” was by itself the cause of everything and not the Demiurge himself, a concept mirrored in the Gnostic theology, according to which the latter was responsible only for the “invisible world” and the “visible” was left to “Logos” the laws of the nature.

Hence, since nature’s laws (Logos) keep the balance of life on this planet, is a kind of instinct, what  Plato described as the “kako-daemon” (malevolent daemon), contrary to the kalo-daemon (the good daemon), to kill one another, don’t we may equally argue that it is in our genes as to keep a short of balance of the over-population, if diseases and natural disasters do not suffice to keep this balance on earth? If this instinct is in our genes, why do we have to hypocritically bother so much if killing is bad, or a sin? Isn’t besides everything a matter of conception?

Don’t we kill one another with our deeds with our nonsensical use of any kind of “matter” to satisfy our needs, ego, lust and greed?

Animals kill to eat as it is in their genes/nature (Logos) to feed themselves, can we say the same for the humans who kill one another very often for pleasure, power and fun?



Article URL : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermes_Trismegistus