Why did the Abrahamic God show himself late in religious evolution?

Why did the Abrahamic God show himself late in religious evolution?

The Abrahamic God has showed himself to Abraham (Genesis 18:1), a non-Hebrew, and Jesus (Matthew 11:27), who has a question mark over his so-called nationality.  For someone to become a Yehudi sing., Yehudim plural, in the days of yore, one needed to be born in the Kingdom of Judah, but Judah had gone the same way as all the supposed other eleven tribes of Israel.  By the time of Jesus, whenever that was?  There was no tribal system, and no monarchy, and no kingdom of Judah.  Yehudi, means “from the Kingdom of Judah.”   If the truth be told, Jesus lived in what was once the kingdom of Israel/Samaria from the reign of king Omri (884 BCE – 873 BCE).  The northern kingdom of Israel changed its name to Samaria, 2 Kings 18:9-11 and 2 Kings 17:24.  Around c. 878 BCE, King Omri moved from his old capital, Tirzah, to a new capital City also called Samaria, Kings 16: 23-24. Later, Samaria was divided in two with the norther part, Galilee, to become two distinct adminitive provinces to that of Judaea.

Far older religions survive today, than Judaism, which has roots going back 1500 BCE,    Christianity has roots only going back 2,000 years.  Older religions such as Hinduism, which has roots dating back to around 2300 BCE.  With Zoroastrian claiming the same age as Hinduism.  But both are relatively young religions compared to Göbekli Tepe, a temple that was built in the Neolithic age between 9,600 and 8,200 BCE.  However, since 2012 the new excavation site of Boncuklu Tarla, Mardin, Turkey, is said to be 1,000-years older that of
Göbekli Tepe.  So where was this God of Abraham, when these ancient temples in Turkey were built, as there is no sign of him being mentioned some 11,000 or more years ago!
What do you say on part or all of this discussion?

Jero Jones

Article URL : https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/discuss/