On a lighter note: A short history through the eyes of YEC Christians!
Six-thousand years ago, Behemoths, and Leviathans aka dinosaurs lived and flourished among humans, what is more, no humans were ever killed or eaten by any of these giant carnivorous lizards. However, we cannot say the same for other animals… as dinosaurs have to eat! These great lizards, as well as the humans were new to the young earth, as we are told by the Bible: God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish and leviathan of the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and the behemoths, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” (Probably referring to the Appalachian snake handling Christians of today, who mimic the ancient Ophites, a Gnostic Christian sect.) With man and beast all living in harmony with each other, until, the lizards were killed-off from falling debris after a massive asteroid that impacted the Firmament in the area as we know it today as the Gulf of America. In the 1980s, a team of scientists shocked the world when they detected a hole in the ozone layer, could this be the damage done to the Firmament?
Are Christians right on this story of the dinosaurs being man’s best friend. It is their story after all, they should know their own story! Or should we believe Hollywood, and people like Steven Spielberg, who had a different story of the dinosaurs from the Attenborough brothers, one famed for the big screen the other, a broadcaster, biologist, natural historian. Who said the dinosaurs were highly dangerous, and should be caged within a compound ringed with a 30 foot, 10,000 volt electrical fence.
I dedicate this discussion to the Australian-born cartoonist, Ken Ham, famed for the Answer in Genesis (AiG), and his quest to keep the memory of Kentucky dinosaurs alive, and a recipient of the Nobell Piece Price?
What do you say?
Jero Jones
Article URL : https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/discuss/