President Trump is winning so fast, I can’t even write columns fast enough to keep up with all his winning!
When I saw the stock markets, crypto markets and gold all cratering overnight around the world (because of “trade wars” supposedly started by Trump), I began to write a column about what fools these traders & investors are. I started to write that now is the time to buy, buy, and buy some more- because Trump is about to win these “trade wars” quickly and make America prosperous again.
And save our childrens’ lives too.
But before I could write this column, in a matter of hours, Trump has already won in negotiations with Mexico and Panama. Just like that. In a matter of hours. Reminder- just a few days ago, Trump made the President of Colombia blink in 10 hours.
That’s how it works when you hold all the cards!
Democrats and RINO Republicans are so stupid, foolish, and cowardly, they never understood America holds all the cards. We are the economic elephant in any room. We buy all the world’s goods. We are the richest nation in the world- by a mile. We buy everything from everyone.
What’s a business without customers?
Without American consumers buying, the whole world goes broke. We hold all the cards. We are the bully on Broad Street.
What part of that, don’t you understand?
How does any other country negotiate, or punish America, when our consumers buy everything they make? Take away our sales, and not only will your economy collapse, but the unemployed citizens of your country will revolt and overthrow your government. Yes, the money from America’s consumers is what keeps every other country’s Presidents and Prime Ministers in power.
That’s why President Trump is brilliant. He understands business, economic power and how to use it. And he understands we hold all the cards.
Which means long term, we can’t lose.
Democrats and RINO Republicans are either so dumb and clueless, such pathetic weak fools, they never understood that, or…
They’re playing for the other side.
I personally believe most of our U.S. political leaders and government officials are bribed and/or blackmailed, or both. They make $170,000 a year…
Patriotic Patriot
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