Whistleblower Complaint Now Looks Like Democrat Effort to Protect Joe Biden from Investigation…

The mysterious “whistleblower” case now looks like a coordinated Democrat effort to block any investigation of…

The Plight of the LGBT Community in the Palestinian Authority and Muslim Countries

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Palestinian Authority’s violent treatment of the gay community under its rule offers a…

Controversy over Trump phone call centers on Ukraine, as president decries ‘partisan’ complaint

Approved~~MJM The developing controversy over a mysterious phone conversation President Trump had with a foreign leader apparently centers…

Pentagon: Border Wall Going Up About One Mile Per Day

Approved~~MJM The Trump administration is putting up about a mile of border wall per day with…

Mr. Horowitz Speaks

The real merit of the hearing was to bring home the magnitude of the leaking and…

Betsy DeVos – Cruel? Incompetent? Or Cruelly Incompetent?

Betsy DeVos, and the department of education are cracking down on two North Carolina universities that…

Britain’s teenage neo-Nazis show the danger of online radicalisation

Approved NV . Picture the British far right and the image most likely conjured up will…

Kevin Spacey sex assault accuser dead

Approved~~MJM The massage therapist who sued Kevin Spacey for sexual assault has died, according to court records. Lawyers…

Benny Gantz rebukes Benjamin Netanyahu’s offer to form unity coalition

Approved NV . Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suffered a major political setback on Thursday when…

Comey Engineered the Ambush of Michael Flynn

There was nothing improper about Flynn talking to the Russian Ambassador during the transition.  It is…

Federal judge halts California law forcing Trump to release tax returns to qualify for ballot

Approved~~MJM (CNN) A federal judge has ordered a temporary injunction against the California law requiring presidential…

What do you think?

https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2019/09/19/at-duke-christian-group-with-anti-lgbtq-policies-demands-official-recognition/   To date, I have never been given a single rational or logical reason as…