No, Joe, There Was No Economic Boom Under Obama

There was no economic “boom” as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are misremembering. This was an…

The Almighty’s Providence Transcends the Democrats’ Wicked Politics

lthough non-believers don’t realize it, and perhaps never will, Providence is keeping Western Society from being…

The Pence-Harris V.P. Debate

The Party of Hate

The Democratic Party of today bears little resemblance to the political home of former Presidents such…

BN&R ~ 2020 Presidential Debate LIVE – Biden vs. Trump 9PM/EST / 6PM/PST

Live viewing tonight. Tell your friends, the jerk who stole your sandwich at work, or the…

Feminist win! Supreme Court nominee who thinks women aren’t people is a woman!

U.S. President Donald Trump nominated certified #girlboss Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court this afternoon, who,…

Social Wealth Fund For America

In the United States, the top 1 percent of families owns more wealth than the bottom…

Democrats Are Truly Sick People

It’s times like this I regret not being able to really let loose with the language…

Grand Theft Election

A theft is in the process of being carried out. It is a crime so insidious,…

First Thanksgiving – SNL

I saw this on YouTube just now, and it absolutely cracked me up. It’s so relevant…

What In Conservatism Should Be Conserved?

And what must we change? “If we want things to stay the same, things are going…

US Shipyards Lack Needed Repair Capacity, Admiral Says

There’s a lot more to warfighting that actual combat.  Equally important are the industrial base that…