“I have come to abolish sacrifices, and if you do not cease sacrificing, the wrath of God will not cease from you!”

Hi “I have come to abolish sacrifices, and if you do not cease sacrificing, the wrath of…

“Christian Principles”

Today, I saw a user re-post a YouTube video entitled “Our Country was Founded on Christian…

The illiteracy of the Bible heroes!

Hi The illiteracy of the Bible heroes! We do not need to go back millennia, or…

It is all Hearsay!

Hi It is all Hearsay! We are told by Christians that Jesus said this, and Jesus…

Should people be banned from reading the Bible!

Hi   Should people be banned from reading the Bible! Should Bible sales be stopped, and…

As she sat on her ass and broke, wind!

Hi “As she sat on her ass and broke, wind!” Christians will vehemently deny any biblical…

How they forged a forgery in 1 John 5!

Hi How they forged a forgery in 1 John 5! If you believe wrongly in the…

Religious Liberty

Imagine for a moment that your child comes home one day with a letter from their…

Biblical Abortion and Life Starts With The First Breath.

Hi Biblical Abortion and Life Starts With The First Breath. My last post mentioned Christians as…

The Resignation of Archbishop Welby!

The Resignation of Archbishop Welby! There is no need or necessity for religion in the governance…

Pontius Pilate was a Scotsman!

Hi Pontius Pilate was a Scotsman! Christians are a funny lot, when it comes to the…

Paul the Homosexual!

Paul the Homosexual! If conservative Christians today except a felon, liar, and rapist for a president,…