Hello Breaking News Community!

The Religion Community is a place to come and discuss topics on or about Religion.
The Breaking News Community is for discussing a recent news or opinion article.

These Communities will only be as successful as YOU make them. Our team of awesome moderators will help facilitate that for you. We understand that the very nature of this topic will bring controversy and people will get passionate. This is good. Passion is good. We want passion. What we do not want is the behavior that is spelled out more specifically on this page. If in doubt about whether or not something is OK to say, I ask you to please consider trying to
Just Be Respectful!

About our moderators…

  • We have a team of moderators from mixed backgrounds, politics, countries, genders and beliefs. When we make moderation decisions, they are applied against the rules of engagement and not our personal bias. We are also volunteers; we do this for you! For the most part it is a thankless job and not without it’s rewards or frustrations.
    Abusing the moderators will not be tolerated!!!
  • Moderators who engage as regular comment posters may not moderate a specific conversation that they are in. They must call upon another moderator to intervene if necessary. This is to prevent any appearance of personal bias, particularly when it comes to deleted comments. Please note, however, that any posters found to be taking advantage of this will be dealt with harshly.

Please note that the moderation team reserves the right to open the following Off Topic discussion posts:

  • the Daily Off Topic thread (tagged as “Off Topic”)
  • periodic channel announcements regarding community updates.

Rules of Engagement

  • No insults or personal attacks against either the moderators or other posters.
  • No racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, or sexist comments.
  • Insulting a Politician or other public figure (while allowed) must not be racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, or sexist.
  • No generalizing about entire non-political groups of people (religious, racial, gender, sexuality, etc)
  • General bashing of lefties, righties, conservatives, liberals, Democrats, Republicans etc. is fine so long as it is not racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, or sexist.

Examples of what is not allowed for the above rules

  • homo, tranny, fag, n-words, cracker, etc.
  • calling an entire group of people stupid, or “mentally ill” or such
  • The word “retard” (or any derivative like “libtard” or “contard”) is unacceptable on this channel and will be removed without explanation. The same applies to any denigrating comments about people with disabilities. While “dotard” is not a derivative of “retard” it is still an insult that, although it may be used on public figures, may not be used on channel members.
  • Advocating violence is not allowed on the channel and will be removed. Threats of harm towards anyone will be dealt with severely up to and including reporting to the authorities. This includes the posting of images of body parts or dead bodies.

Content Rules

  • English Only: This is an English only forum, all posts that are not in English will be deleted. Single words or phrases that are a discussion point may be allowed at the moderator’s discretion.
  • No copy and pasting lengthy paragraphs from sources as a comment (a link to the information, with a short description of where to look will be allowed).
  • No posting of the same meme/image more than once on a page.
  • No posting of more than 3 memes/images in the same comment.
    – Using another poster in a meme is allowed unless they complain or flag it, in which case it will be deleted.
  • No promotions (or Disqus channel bashing) of any kind unless pre-approved by a moderator.
  • No posting in ALL CAPS or all bold or all spoiler – this is considered rude in internet etiquette.

General Channel Rules

  • No “sock puppets” (alternate accounts) with which you either engage with your own account or with which you circumvent a ban or any other moderator directive.
  • Do NOT abuse the flag feature (Result may be a permanent ban).
  • Stay on topic, and please move on if directed by a moderator to do so.
  • PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK THE MODERATORS!: If you do so then you you run the risk of not receiving moderation direction from them, which may result in a ban. While we are not going to hunt you down to see if you are blocking us we WILL ban you if you indicate that you have done so or if you do not respond to attempted moderation. Please note that if you are viewing Disqus on a mobile device that the platform neglects to indicate the mod tag on moderators. You will simply have to be aware of who the moderators are by viewing the About section of the channel.
  • Please follow the directions of the moderators. If you feel something is unfair then please take a look at our rules. If you still think it is unfair then please start a RESPECTFUL thread on our complaint resolution channel: TBA.

Thank you.
theunknownsleeper 2019/08/02

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