Please respect copyright!!!
- DO NOT post an entire article. When quoting an article please limit yourself to no more than 20 lines or less than half the article length (which ever is less).
- Please DO NOT post ANY content that is not publicly visible due to a paywall or any other subscription service.
- Please include a featured image from the article for your post.
- If there is no image in the article then please include one that has is free for usage and provide a link to the source of the image. See the following post for more details.
- Please do not doctor or alter the article graphic. That is a violation of a linked article’s copyright and is not considered “fair use” by the DMCA.
Please respect our guidelines!!!
- All of the Rules of Engagement in our Guidelines apply to posts as well.
- As per the above, original posts and linked articles must not be racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, pedophilic, incestuous or sexist.
- Articles that make unfounded (i.e. no criminal charges filed) accusations, insinuations, or claims of the above will not be permitted.
- Unless it is part of a news article please abstain from vulgarity. (Article quotes may be censored if you choose, or at the discretion of a moderator)
- Once published, any desired changes must be submitted to a moderator in the comments section or in The Den.
- Please do not editorialize through tags. Tags are meant to be generic. Tags are subject to moderator approval and/or removal.
- All posts are subject to approval and/or truncating/editing/closing by our moderators.
- Excerpts from personal blogs are not allowed. We do not permit promotion of your personal site.
Breaking News
- Pick an article published within the last 2 days.
- Post the exact title of the article.
- Post at least one paragraph of the article to provide some context
- Paste the article URL into the provided box (or at the end of the post if using the backend publishing tool)
- Youtube, Twitter or other social media posts are only allowed if included in the article.
- No personal opinions. Please reserve those for the comment section.
- Please ensure that your topic is religious in nature.
- Please clearly state the purpose for your post and/or pose a question for people to discuss.
- Religion posts must not be vulgar or inflammatory (as per the discretion of the moderators)
- Please link and properly cite any article included in your post (follow the directions given above regarding article excerpts, images and copyright)
- Only registered authors with Breaking News & Religion may author their own opinion pieces for the Perspectives section through our backend publishing system.
- Please submit your request here if you wish to be an author on this site.
- You may choose any of the Perspectives sub-categories, but you MUST check Perspectives if you want your post to show up in the feed.
- Please clearly state the purpose for your post and/or pose a question for people to discuss.
- Perspectives posts must not be vulgar or inflammatory (as per the discretion of the moderators)
- Since YOU are the author, you may choose your topic tags in Perspectives, BUT they must still be fairly generic and are subject to moderator approval.
- Please link and properly cite any article included in your post (follow the directions given above regarding article excerpts, images and copyright)
Updated: 7 September 2023 ~ Løki