Thou shalt not steal

Some of our Christian commentators have argued for the existence of “objective morality,” i.e., that what…

If the universe came from nothing there has to be a cause outside of the universe.

The idea of the universe coming into existence “out of nothing” is a fascinating topic that…

Your New Spooky Buddy

Celestial Management has decided to shake things up a bit.  The dead and the living need…

Manna from Heaven, “what is that”?

Hi Manna from Heaven, “what is that”? The fallacy of the biblical exodus, no Jew would…

New And Improved Hell.

The Devil has decided to retire.  He picked a name out of the celestial phone book,…

Viktor Veinik, Chronality and censorship

You know me a skeptic with an open mind I’d like to know what you think…

Errors in the Bible versus errors in atheistic reasoning

Atheist have made a cottage industry out of trying to find errors in Scripture. To them…

That Doesn’t Compute

Yesterday in a debate with a user here about the lack of evidence for the Exodus,…

Do atheist just have father issues?

Reasons indicated why people become atheists: Loss or Grief: Experiencing the death of a loved one…

Pagan by Nature

I am pagan; and my daughter is pagan from conception. pagan: people of the countryside, deriving…

Wanted: Person To Fill Deity Position.

Deity positions have opened up.  You can be the deity of your choice.  You can be…

Why Have The Deities Gotten So Lazy?

Way back in the day, the gods were extremely active.  They were always interacting with humans.…