Sanders: China has done more to address extreme poverty ‘than any country in the history of civilization’

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) offered praise for China while stating in an interview that he believed the U.S. could have a positive relationship with the country, saying it had made “more progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization.”

The Democratic presidential candidate offered a nuanced view of Beijing, criticizing it for a move toward authoritarianism and stating that it looked out for its own interests first, but also saying it had made progress in helping its own people over the last several decades.

“China is a country that is moving unfortunately in a more authoritarian way in a number of directions,” Sanders told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball. “But what we have to say about China in fairness to China and it’s leadership is if I’m not mistaken they have made more progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization, so they’ve done a lot of things for their people.”

Sanders said the the United States would have “hoped that they would move toward a more Democratic form of government,” and criticized China for “moving in the opposite direction.”

Beijing has come under criticism recently for battles between police and demonstrators in the semi-autonomous city of Hong Kong.

Mark JM

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