9 Reasons Why Impeachment Is a Fraud

Last week’s announcement by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi authorizing an impeachment inquiry — the latest in a series of Democratic attempts to reverse the results of the 2016 presidential election — is replete with dishonesty and outright fraud.

The attacks on President Trump began even before his Inauguration, when electors were asked to reject the will of the people of their states and to instead cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton.

Vanity Fair reported as far back as December 2016: “Democrats are paving the way to impeach Donald Trump.”

NewsBusters released a video montage depicting media figures discussing the possibility impeaching Trump as early as November 2016.

But when the accusations of collusion and obstruction imploded, Trump’s mortal enemies needed something else. Finally, they settled on Ukraine-gate.

Here are 9 reasons the entire effort is a fraud perpetrated upon the American people:


No. 1: The president’s remarks did not violate any law. Democrats point to the transcript of Trump’s July 25 conversation with Ukraine’s newly elected president, Volodymyr Zelensky, as evidence of a crime. Specifically, they hone in on Trump’s words, “I would like you to do us a favor,” the favor being to assist the United States into investigating the activities of a Ukrainian company that had hired Hunter Biden — the son of former Vice President Joe Biden. They claim that this may be evidence of bribery or extortion, and point to Trump’s statement that “the United States has been very, very good to Ukraine” as incentive.

But even given the most cynical interpretation possible, those statements do not come close to bribery or extortion.

At a press briefing held at the United Nations last week, Zelensky said that “we spoke about many things and so I think — you read it — that nobody pushed me.”



Article URL : https://www.newsmax.com/michaeldorstewitz/impeachment-trump-pelosi-fraud/2019/10/01/id/935194/