A transgender woman is fighting for her life after she was beaten, tied to a minivan, then dragged for two blocks.
Eric Bridges, 24, was arrested on Sunday in Jacksonville, Florida for the violent attack that left the unnamed woman in critical condition on Friday, police said. Bridges allegedly battered the woman, then tied her to the bumper of his green minivan and began driving. He then reportedly cut the rope and drove away. The woman was found lying in the street in the street.
The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office said she may have already been unconscious when she was tied to the car.
Authorities filmed the brutal attack at the Real Time Crime Center, but said the footage was too graphic to release to the public, according to News4Jax.
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Article URL : https://metro.co.uk/2019/09/30/violent-bigot-battered-trans-woman-tied-van-dragged-away-10834193/