Relief For “Hard” Times: PornHub Offers Free Premium Access To Italians Under Lockdown

At the time of a global humanitarian crisis that presents an existential threat to the human race, every person and corporate needs to step up and do their part to help address the problem head on.

And who better to lead by example than PornHub, who has offered free premium service as a show of solidarity to those in Italy who are in lockdown/quarantine, milling around the house a lot and – uh, looking for something to do.

PornHub put out a press release on Thursday and also said it would donate the proceeds from its Modelhub platform after Italy put forth a lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak, according to the Daily Mail.

As if Italians needed a reason to be horniner than usual…

“Forza Italia,” the press release says. “We love you! PornHub has decided to donate its percentage revenue from ModelHub platform from March to help Italy during the outbreak.”

The release continues: “To help you during these weeks at home, for the whole months you can access PornHub Premium free of charge, with no need of using your credit card.”

PornHub is currently the world’s largest porn site. The Daily Mail reports that it was “used” more than 42 billion times last year. Not quite the terminology we would use, but to each site, its own.

Italy had ranked seventh on PornHub’s Top 20 Countries by traffic in 2019. The U.S., Japan and the UK were the Top 3.

David Adams

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