Despite Pandemic, Lawmakers Push for Even More Spending on Fighter Jets

(CD) — As the federal government develops strategies for how to deal with the coronavirus outbreak that has already significantly damaged the U.S. economy and killed over 100 Americans, a group of lawmakers are urging Congress approve the purchasing of 19 more F-35 fighters than the Pentagon requested as part of the battle against the disease, enraging progressives.

“Infuriating doesn’t even begin to describe it,” tweeted Stephen Miles, executive director of Win Without War, on Friday.

Stephen Miles

✔ @SPMiles42

Infuriating doesn’t even begin to describe it. Can you think of a more outrageous thing for members of Congress to be demanding the federal gov’t be spending its money on now than MORE F-35s, a jet that still doesn’t work, than the Pentagon even wants. Do F-35s fight pandemics?

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