Naftali Bennet: Most Important Thing To Stop Coronavirus Is Separate Young People From Old People

NAFTALI BENNET: I want to share with you the single most important insight of the entire corona epidemic. The most important thing — more than social distancing, more than testing, testing, testing, more than anything else — is to separate old people from younger people.

The single most lethal combination is when grandma hugs her grandson. Why is that? Because corona is a unique virus in the sense that it is way more lethal for old people than for young people.

In many countries, zero young people died. Countries where many people died, 0.1% were folks under the age of 30 or 20. Whereas old people over the age of 70 and 80, one out of five of them who get the virus die.

So what we need to do over the next period of time is to take care of grandma and grandpa from far away. Lots of WhatsApp and Skype and you name it. Bring them food, clean the box before you leave, and then they take it in the house. But do not enter the house, do not hug them, because you’re risking them.

Finally, people ask me: Will the old people have to be isolated forever? The answer is no.

Over the next few months, gradually the rest of the population, want it or not, is going to get the coronavirus. Most, the overwhelming majority of people who get the coronavirus, won’t even know it. It will take three or four weeks, they won’t know they have the virus, and by the end of those four weeks, they’ll be immune.


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