Christine Pelosi under fire for tweeting ‘Rand Paul’s neighbor was right’ after senator’s virus diagnosis

Christine Pelosi, a political strategist and daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is under fire over a tweet that appears to endorse the 2017 assault of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., after the lawmaker revealed he tested positive for the coronavirus.

Paul’s announcement this past Sunday that he had contracted the virus led some other GOP lawmakers to self-quarantine, including Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah.

Washington Post congressional reporter Paul Kane echoed Romney’s concerns about contracting the virus because of his wife, Ann Romney, who has multiple sclerosis.

“He told us the other day his biggest personal concern was not getting this because his wife has MS. Now he can’t see her for almost 2 weeks,” Kane tweeted.

“Rand Paul’s neighbor was right,” Christine Pelosi reacted Sunday evening.

Paul’s neighbor, Rene Boucher, was sentenced to 30 days behind bars for assault after he tackled the senator over a yard dispute, resulting in five broken ribs and the removal of part of his lung damaged from the incident.